Topic 3: Reframing

Thinking about the previous image, what do you see? An old lady? A young lady?… or did you see both?….take a look again!! Being prepared to look at things differently and have an open mind can support your business.

Have you ever made things more difficult for yourself with negative thinking? Maybe, negative thinking about your business and your abilities? Look at the examples below of unhelpful thinking styles and typical negative thoughts. Reflect on your own experiences and make a note of some of your own unhelpful thinking styles. Have you heard the glass half full or half empty saying? – which are you? Are you always an optimist or a pessimist? Reframing allows you to see a problem as a challenge and thus helps you to become more change focused and to find ways to overcome challenges.

“I will never be able to make a living from my business..”  reframed “I will never know if my business could be successful, if I don’t have a go”

“I am so judgmental about myself” reframed “It is so good that I am so reflective to support my own self development”

How could you reframe any negative thoughts? Remember reframing is about turning negatives into positives and the more you do it the easier it becomes.

Staying positive will not only benefit your business, it will also make you happier in everyday life! Look at the following examples of unhelpful thinking styles and examples of typical thoughts…try to think of how these could be reframed.

“Every cloud has a silver lining?” – Indeed, it does and often things not going to plan can be a wonderful stroke of luck!!

Reframing is the art of looking at something differently, turning negatives into positives. If you can change negative beliefs, you can change how you experience something. Using these techniques can you help Gina explore her business in a more positive way?

Case Study – Gina is a  single parent of two small children and after being made redundant due to the Covid-19 pandemic, she decided to take the plunge and start her own business selling her own jewellery online. She has struggled with self motivation and belief since being made redundant and often finds herself questioning whether she can continue her business endeavor. Even though she loves making jewellery, she worries if she has the skills, knowledge or confidence to continue.

Jot down a few notes to show how Gina could use the PERMA model to improve her confidence and self belief to benefit her business.

Now think about a negative situation in your own business. How could you use the PERMA model for positive change?​

Finding the Silver Lining


How could you reframe any negative thoughts?

Remember reframing is about turning negatives into positives and the more you do it the easier it becomes.

Staying positive will not only benefit your business, it will also make you happier in everyday life!

“Every cloud has a silver lining?” – Indeed, it does and often things not going to plan can be a wonderful stroke of luck!!

Look at the following examples of unhelpful thinking styles and examples of typical thoughts…try to think of how these could be reframed.

Unhelpful thinking style Typical Thoughts
Bias against myself

▪I overlook my strengths

▪I focus on my weaknesses

▪I downplay my achievements

▪I am my own worst critic

Having a gloomy view of the future (catastrophing)

▪I make negative predictions about the future

▪I predict that things will go wrong

▪I predict that the very worst events will happen

Negative views about how others see me (mind reading)

▪I mind-read what others think of me

Bearing all responsibility

▪I take the blame if things go wrong

▪I feel responsible for whether everyone else has a good time

▪I take unfair responsibility for things that are not my fault

Being impatient

▪I don’t have enough time, I never finish, everything is such a rush

▪I make myself a lot of “must” “should” or “got to” rules

Think about how you feel when you are in a traffic jam. How can you reframe any negative thoughts to be more positive in this situation?